Fixing offline devices

Learn tips to help get your Ring device back online.

How to know when your device is offline

  • Error codes in the Ring app:
    If your device disconnects from wifi, you will see an offline icon in the Ring app. You can tap the icon to view an error code (eg., "P1-65") and suggested troubleshooting steps.
  • Ring app:
    You can find the status of your device in the
    Device Health
    section of the Ring app.
  • Push notification, SMS or email:
    You might receive a push notification, test message or email alerting you that your device is offline.

How to reconnect your device

Follow these steps to troubleshoot and reconnect your device to your network.

How to reset and reconnect your device

Hold the setup button for 10 seconds, and repeat the setup process:

  1. Open the Ring app to the main dashboard.

  2. Tap more (•••) on the camera you want to access.

  3. Tap your device's Settings.

  4. Tap the Device Health tile.

  5. Under
    , tap
    Change Network
    and follow the prompts.
  6. Allow time for the device to fully reconnect.
  7. Check wifi signal strength in
    Device Health
    to confirm reconnection.

Note: Wifi passwords are case-sensitive. If unknown, check the bottom or side of your router for the printed password.

Device and environmental factors to check

  • Your device might have lost power due to low battery, being unplugged, or a power outage.
  • If your device has been moved, it could be too far from the router. Try moving your wifi router to an elevated, central, and open location or closer to your Ring device.
  • You can try to reboot or power cycle to automatically reconnect your Ring device:
    • For battery-powered devices:
      Remove battery, charge, and reinsert.
    • For wired devices:
      Disconnect power, wait 30 seconds, reconnect.

Network configuration and performance factors to check

  • If there have been any updates to your wifi network, password, equipment, or internet provider, confirm that network settings are accurate.
  • Unplug your wifi router and modem for 30 seconds. Rebooting your network equipment can restore proper connectivity.
  • Confirm that your network signal strength is within the optimal performance range of 0 to -60 for the received signal strength indicator.
    A wifi extender, such as the Ring Chime Pro or an eero mesh network, can help boost the signal.
  • Make sure your wifi speeds are sufficient. Your network should provide at least 2 Mbps upload and download speed per Ring device.
    . If your internet is not performing as expected, contact your internet service provider.
  • If your device is connected to a 5 GHz network and experiencing connectivity issues, try connecting to a dedicated 2.4 GHz network for the best range. You can switch the network that your device is connected to by tapping Device Health and then Change Network in the Ring app.

Special considerations for Ring Alarm Base Stations

  • Try connecting the Base Station directly to your router via ethernet cable.
  • As a last resort, you can
    and repeat the initial setup process.

Note: All Z-Wave devices and Ring Alarm security devices will need to be factory reset before they can be reconnected to the Base Station.

If your device still fails to connect after resetting and reconnecting, checking device and environmental factors, and confirming network configuration, you can try more advanced steps to adjust your network settings. If you're unfamiliar with making network changes, consult your internet service provider or network equipment manufacturer for assistance.

Adjusting Firewall Settings

When the firewall settings on your router are too strict, it can cause Ring devices to fail setup or not display live video.

  • If your router has variable firewall settings, try changing the setting from “High” to “Medium” or from “Medium” to “Low.” Once it has been adjusted, attempt to set up your Ring device in the Ring app.
  • If connectivity issues resolve with the firewall at a lower setting, you can leave it at that setting. If you prefer to have a higher firewall setting or are unable to adjust your firewall, you can

Addressing double network address translation

Double network address translation can occur when you have multiple routers, which can cause issues with Ring device setup, connectivity, and video delivery. To resolve, implement one of the following solutions. If you are unfamiliar with these steps, contact your internet service provider.

Important: Apply only one solution at a time.

  • You can
    enable bridge mode
    to disable functions, such as wifi broadcast, on the bridged device and enable reduced functionality, allowing the data to pass through unhindered.
  • You can
    Access Point mode
    to turn the secondary router into a simple wifi access point and disable all functions, except wifi broadcast.

Last updated 3 weeks ago