Troubleshoot notifications from Ring

If you are not receiving notifications from Ring on your phone or tablet, or they are delayed, here are steps to fix that. You can test if you are receiving notifications on another phone or tablet by triggering an event and checking the other device for alerts.

Review your Ring settings

Make sure you are logged into the Ring app: Open the app on your phone or tablet and sign in. Learn more about troubleshooting issues signing in to the Ring app.

Confirm that your Ring device is online: To receive notifications, your device must be online. You can see the status of your device from the main dashboard in the Ring app or on Learn how to reconnect offline devices.

Turn on alerts for your Ring device: Make sure alerts are toggled on in the Ring app for the devices you want to receive notifications for.

  1. Open the Ring app to the main dashboard.

  2. Tap more (•••) on the camera you want to access.

  3. Tap your device's Settings.

    • For Video Doorbells, toggle on
      Ring Alerts, Motion Detection,
      Motion Alerts
    • For Security Cameras, toggle on
      Motion Detection
      Motion Alerts

Confirm the times of missed events: Look at your Event History to confirm the time of the missed event. Learn troubleshooting tips for Motion Detection.

Check the Motion Settings for your Ring device: If you have Motion Schedules set for your devices, you will not receive alerts at certain times. You can also adjust your Motion Sensitivity to increase or decrease motion events and alerts. Learn more about adjusting Motion Settings and Motion Schedules.

For Ring Alarm, check that your Ring Home Plan subscription is active: To receive notifications for Ring Alarm, you must have an active Ring Home Plan subscription. Learn more managing Alarm Alerts.

Check your phone or tablet settings

You must adjust notification settings on each individual phone or tablet.

Note: You might not hear notification sounds on your phone while you are on a phone call. If you are not getting notifications on your phone at all, contact your mobile provider.

Enable Ring app notifications permission:

Make sure that Do Not Disturb is disabled: Open the settings on your phone or tablet to confirm that “Do Not Disturb” is disabled.

Reboot your phone or tablet: Power down your device completely, and then power it back on. Once your phone or tablet has restarted, test your Ring notifications by pressing the doorbell button or triggering the motion sensor on your Ring camera.

Uninstall and reinstall the Ring app: If you are not receiving notifications from Ring after clearing the data for Ring on your phone or tablet, uninstall and reinstall the Ring app on your phone or tablet.

Note: Make sure you have your Ring login information ready. You will need to sign back into Ring after reinstalling the app. Learn more about troubleshooting Ring app issues.

Disable virtual private networks (VPN): Virtual private networks might cause delays with Ring.

If you have a smartwatch, check the settings: You might receive the notifications on your smartwatch, instead of your phone or tablet. Adjust your smartwatch settings to make sure notifications appear on both your phone or tablet and smartwatch.

Last updated 3 weeks ago