Ring products and accessories in a bright and modern kitchen.

How To Fix Your Smoke and CO Listener

Bring your Smoke & CO Listener¹ back online ensuring your Ring Alarm continues to provide Professional Monitoring² for smoke, fire, and carbon monoxide.

Restore Professional Monitoring for smoke, fire, and carbon monoxide by following these troubleshooting steps until your device is working properly:

  1. Press the button on the Smoke & CO Listener.
  2. Open and close the Smoke & CO Listener to see if your Ring Alarm restores it.
  3. Replace the battery.
  4. Check that your Range Extender is plugged in and working.

Important: Your smoke/fire and carbon monoxide detectors are not affected if your Smoke & CO Listener goes offline and should still sound an alarm if there is an immediate threat.

Last updated 4 months ago